What happens when you cover a wedding or a convocation or a birthday party – you have to get the proofs printed and then your customer has to come to your shop to see the proofs or you have to take them to his residence – not a very efficient use of your time or your customer’s time.
Using this platform you will be able to showcase your proofs on Internet within minutes. You will be able to add password driven security, specify sizes and rates, upload hundreds of photos and send your customers emails notifying them that their proofs are ready. Worried about download security and rights protection? – read our Photo Security section to see how this system secures your photos. You will also be able to take orders from these proofs online.
This will immediately add a huge value proposition to your business – customers today love the facility and flexibility of Internet – now they can check their proofs online when they want to and where they want to. They can see the proofs one by one or use our slideshow feature to see all the pictures. They can also invite their family members and friends to view the proofs and this will lead to more printing orders for you!